GROW360 Overseas

Reducing the Labor Gap Through 360-Degree Assessment

Written by Development Asia by ADB | Dec 3, 2019 3:45:51 AM

In 2019, more than 60% of the world population has access to the internet. It is now easy and possible to collect data on a large scale to detect and predict trends. On a macro level, big data analysis with technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), provides a deep understanding of the skills needed by the industry and of the skills available on a given population. On an individual level, skills gap identification and development opportunities can be individualized. Everyone can now have access to optimized learning opportunities, based on their capacity, interest and on the trends of their surrounding environment. 

During the 8th International Skills Forum: Future of Skills and Jobs in the Age of Digital Disruptions(link is external), the Institution for a Global Society Corporation (IGS) discussed the importance of skills gap assessment for Industry 4.0. This included the implementation of GROW360, which can measure competency and personality through an AI engine. The data can then be used in job recruitment and training.


Development Asia, An Initiative of Asian Development Bank. (2019). Reducing the Labor Gap Through 360-Degree Assessment. [online] Development Asia. Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].